I've spoken at conferences and tech-related events around the world. I speak mostly about social learning and how we can help people (particularly beginners) navigate the tech world more effectively. I've spoken to high school students, architects, techies, developers, and newbies about my love of code.
- DjangoCon 2016 (opening keynote)
- Chicago Women in Tech
- Rocky Mountain Ruby
- RubyConf AU
- Google's Women TechMakers
- Coalition for Queens Hackathon
- TechCrunch Disrupt Hackathon judge
- Ela Conf (opening keynote)
- E4E Conference
- MixIT Conf (closing keynote)
- DevIntersection
- BathRuby
You can hear me on the weekly RubyRogues podcast, or catch me interviewing incredible people in tech on the CodeNewbie Podcast (new episodes every Monday. Subscribe on your favorite podcast app).
If you're interested in having me speak at your conference or appear on your podcast, email me saron.yitbarek(at)gmail(dot)com.